The T6 Planning manual provides a comprehensive overview of using formulas and functions in the software, highlighting their versatility from simple calculations to advanced operations. It explores the automatic execution of formulas in response to data changes, including the ability for manual execution through an assistant. The performance chapter offers practical tips for optimizing formula usage, identifying bottlenecks, and addressing issues in cycles. Additionally, the manual covers available functions and parameter types, aiming to provide users with a detailed understanding of formula properties and features for efficient use within the T6 Planning context.
T6 Planning formulas are a powerful tool for performing calculations on model data.
T6 Planning allows the creation of simple formulas with basic operations to complex formulas with conditionals or advanced calculations. It also provides users with a wide range of built-in functions to further assist in the development of complex calculations. This manual describes in detail the properties and characteristics of the formulas available in the T6 Planning solution, aiming to provide a deeper understanding of the use of advanced configurations.
In this topic, we will explain a little more about the structure and creation of T6 formulas, their characteristics, and functionalities.
Formulas are essential tools for performing calculations on data, and through them, T6 enables advanced manipulations of data stored in Fact tables.
To create, view, and execute formulas in T6, the following functionalities must be enabled:
User functionalities
Global group functionality
The basic structure of a formula consists of four configuration steps, displayed in tabs within the formula panel: Formula, Scope, Description, and Data.
This is the first step in the formula creation process. It is mandatory to fill in. Within the formula, we will have Application, Type, Formula Group, Position, Formula Name, and Expression;
Application: Field that indicates in which application the formula will be created. After creation, this information can no longer be edited;
Type: Mandatory field where the type of formula is selected:
Formula Group: Optional field where we will select the formula group (a feature for grouping formulas within T6, used to organize formulas by context, category, or purpose);
Position: Non-editable field; Indicates the positioning of the formula relative to others; The positioning refers to the order in which formulas will be executed. It is automatically generated by T6 during cube publication;
T6 takes into account newly created formulas or possible changes to existing formulas. It is possible to manually position formulas in the Formula List, but when publishing the Cube, T6 will reposition them according to the best execution order.
Position | Formula |
1 | [A] = [B] + [C] |
2 | [B] = [D] + [E] |
The formula in position 1 has a member [B]
that is calculated by another formula. However, based on the order, the formula that calculates [B]
is in the second position. When publishing the Cube, T6 will automatically reposition the formula [B] = [D] + [E]
before the formula [A] = [B] + [C]
because only after calculating [B]
will it be possible to calculate the value of [A]
Formula Name: Mandatory field that must be filled in with the formula's name.
Expression: Field where the formula's details are specified. It represents the expression the formula will execute. It resembles a mathematical expression, containing an operand equated to a sequence of interspersed operands and operators, always starting and ending with an operand.
[C1] = [C2] + [C3]
: Operand that will receive the result of the expression. This operand is also known as the resulting operand;
: Operand that will be used in the calculation of the expression;
: Operator to be used in the calculation of the expression;
: Operand that will be used in the calculation of the expression.
In this example, the value of [C1]
will be equal to the value of [C2]
plus the value of [C3]
In an expression, operands can be: Member, Number, Function, and Block;
The resulting operand must obligatorily be a member, which may or may not have scope.
Among the operators are: Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (*), Division (/), and Power (^);
In the expression field, we can use autocomplete by typing at least 3 characters (after 1 second, suggestions will be displayed), or by clicking CTRL + SPACE, which will display suggestions for insertion.
We have a button that displays the Functions available for selection:
Functions are helpers for creating formulas, enabling more elaborate calculations and providing access to various model information.
For additional information on functions in T6, visit: Formulas and Functions
Allows filtering the execution context of a formula. This way, the formula execution will be carried out according to the filters applied.
Using the scope, it is possible to filter which dimension members the formula will be executed on. If no filter is applied to the dimension, the formula will be executed on all members.
Execution filters in the scope tab are displayed as checkboxes, and the filters include:
Formulas with this property active are called Online Formulas; Formulas with this property disabled are called Offline Formulas.
Whenever a formula's premise is directly or indirectly altered, the formula will execute, changing its values and ensuring the formula's expression remains true.
Execute Only in Planned: This option is available only in Planning applications and allows the formula to execute only in the planned scenario. When this property is active, the formula's calculation will be performed only for periods configured as planned.
Execute Only in Actual: This option is available only in Planning applications and allows the formula to execute only in the actual scenario. When this property is active, the formula's calculation will be performed only for periods configured as actual.
If you want the formula to run in both scenarios, Planned and Actual, uncheck both boxes.
Allow Persist Zero: By selecting the checkbox, the formula can save the value zero in the fact; Normally, in T6, the value zero is not saved in the fact, but in some specific cases, this is necessary.
Execute on Aggregations: This option is available only for In-Memory formulas. When this property is active, the formula's calculation will be performed at aggregated levels.
Execute on Leaves: This option is available only for In-Memory formulas. When this property is active, the formula's calculation will be performed at leaf levels.
Live Calculation: When this property is active, the formula's calculation will be performed whenever a premise is altered by the user, without the need to save the data.
Allows describing the purpose or objectives of the formula, providing a detailed explanation of the formula.
Allows viewing information about the formula's execution scope, making it possible to analyze each expression generated by the formula and visualize data for these expressions. In the data tab, we have Expression, Distinct, and Result;
Expression: In Expression, we can see the formula's execution scope, displaying each premise separately;
Distinct: In Distinct, we can view the unique combination of members altered by the expression. In Distinct, we will have Account, Time, Scenario, and Entity, allowing us to see where data is being altered by that expression;
Result: In Result, we can preview the data in the model based on the selected expression;
To create a new formula, follow these steps:
use autocomplete by clicking CTRL + SPACE;
- The function icon enables viewing the available functions for use in the expression;
7. After completing the fields in the Formula tab, navigate to the Scope tab;
8. In the Scope tab, it is possible to filter the execution context of the formula. Here we can:
The list of existing formulas in the application can be accessed from the main T6 Planning screen, through Menu -> Modeling -> Formulas.
The system will display the Formulas screen, which contains the list of all formulas in the application.
Formula configuration is done from the Formulas screen.
This screen contains various features and, among other functions, allows you to sort, add, edit, remove, and execute formulas, as well as view cycles or intersections in the formulas.
For a better understanding, observe the numbered and highlighted features in the image below, and then follow the details and use of each feature.
Formula List: This is a grid that displays the list of existing formulas in the model and contains the following columns:
Configuration of the list and use of features:
Type: This is a combobox that allows filtering formulas based on the selected type, displaying only formulas related to the selected group.
Formula Group: This is a combobox that allows filtering the list of formulas based on the selected Group, displaying only formulas related to the selected group.
Application: This is a combobox that allows filtering formulas based on the selected application, displaying only formulas related to the selected application.
Automatically Execute Formulas: This is a checkbox, which should be unchecked when you want to temporarily disable the automatic execution of formulas. The use of this feature affects the entire formula list.
Action Buttons: These are the buttons located in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Use of the buttons:
Button options:
Actions Menu: This is the options menu located in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Options in the actions menu:
Tools Menu: This is the options menu located in the top right corner of the screen. The tools menu contains features that, when used, automatically affect the entire content of the formula list. Therefore, there is no need to pre-select a specific formula in the list.
Options in the tools menu:
Use this functionality to create a new formula or modify the properties of an existing formula.
The Add and Edit buttons are highlighted in the image above. Clicking the Add or Edit buttons will display the Formula screen. This screen includes the 4 configuration steps of the formula, as highlighted in the image below.
To start the configuration, for both Adding and Editing a formula, use the following steps:
On the Formula screen – FORMULA Tab:
Application: Indicates in which application the formula was created.
Type: Indicates the type of the formula.
Formula Group: Optional field, where you can select a group for the formula.
Position: Indicates the position of the formula in relation to others. The position refers to the order in which the formulas will be executed.
Formula Name: Mandatory field, where you should enter the name of the formula.
Functions: Its use is linked to the Expression field. By clicking on this field, the Functions List screen will be displayed. You can select a function based on your needs and its description. For more details about existing functions, refer to the Functions chapter in this manual.
Expression: Mandatory field, where the details of the formula should be provided. Note some points that will facilitate the detailing:
In the image below, the red highlights point to mandatory fields. The blue highlight shows the autocompletion assistant for the Expression field.
Note that every new formula receives a temporary automatic positioning. After publishing the Cube, T6 Planning will adjust the positioning of all formulas.
To finish, click OK. The list of formulas will be updated.
On the Formula screen – SCOPE Tab:
On the Formula screen – DESCRIPTIVE Tab:
On the Formula screen – DATA Tab:
To facilitate copying formulas without altering the original structure, T6 Planning provides a button that allows a new formula to be created identical to the current one. The Duplicate button allows replicating a formula and optimizing the formula creation time.
Use this functionality to create groups of formulas and better organize formulas by context, categories, or purpose.
To add a Formula Group:
In the T6 Planning menu, access Explorer -> Browser.
On the left side of the screen, you will find the list of system folders.
Select the folder where you want to save the Formula Group.
In the options bar, click New Item, expand the Modeling item by clicking on it, and then click Formula Group.
The new Formula Group will appear in the center of the screen, in the list of formula groups.
Name the group.
To Edit a Formula Group:
In the list of formula groups, select the Formula Group you want to edit by clicking on it.
Then, in the options bar, click the Edit button.
A pop-up window will be displayed. The application field is already defined, so you need to enter the name of the group being created, with the Name field being mandatory. Then click OK.
Whenever a change or data insertion occurs, T6 Planning identifies the formulas involved in the calculation of this data and executes them. If there is a dependency between any of these formulas, it will also be executed.
T6 Planning uses this identification system to avoid recalculating all other existing formulas without any data changes.
This chapter will show how cycles, dependencies, parameters, and formula execution work in T6 Planning.
When the application has various formulas that interact with each other, or when there is a dependency between them, this set of formulas is called a cycle.
When publishing the cube, T6 Planning orders the formulas according to their dependencies. If the formula is part of a cycle, it will remain in the same position relative to the formulas in the cycle. In other words, the formulas within a cycle must be manually ordered.
Formula cycles can be viewed in: -> Sort Formulas window -> Tools -> Cycles. This view is used to check if an unintentional cycle is created and if it is necessary to delete a formula, knowing where it will impact.
The dependency between formulas can be characterized as direct or indirect, depending on the paths between the formulas.
A cycle is a group of formulas where their execution can occur with recursion and/or circular reference.
Recursion is a path of mutual dependency within a cycle where variations occur in the dimensions of the model, and where all formulas in the cycle are executed for each leaf member of the dimension, changing only the result in that context.
In the execution of a cycle with recursion, for each leaf member of the dimension, all formulas in the cycle are executed. For example, the Time dimension may reference a previous period, running all the formulas in the cycle month by month and containing calculations where the initial balance of the current month is the result of the final balance of the previous month. The final balance of the current month will be the initial balance plus any movement.
When one formula depends on another without variation in the dimension, a circular reference occurs. In the execution of a cycle with circular reference, all formulas in the cycle are executed N times, where N is defined in the application parameter table, through the MaximumFormulasIteration parameter, which defaults to 1.
This parameter specifies the maximum number of iterations used to solve formulas with circular reference. As long as the resulting values continue to change with each execution, T6 Planning will continue to iterate; therefore, it is ideal for this parameter to remain at the default value of 1, as in most cases, a single iteration is sufficient for T6 Planning to resolve the circular reference.
For example: in the case of the Time dimension, when all formula calculations occur within the same month. In this case, the system runs the formulas for all months multiple times as the interactions occur.
It is the functionality that allows manually executing one or more formulas of the model. To use it, follow the steps below.
On the Formulas screen:
In the Special Formulas Execution Assistant screen – FORMULAS step:
In the Special Formulas Execution Assistant screen – EXECUTION SCOPE step:
In the Special Formulas Execution Assistant screen – SUMMARY step:
In the Special Formulas Execution Assistant screen – FINISHED step:
This feature displays a list of executions for a specific formula, allowing analysis to check which formulas are consuming more time.
On the Formulas screen:
On the Formula Execution screen, a list displays the following details in columns:
To view more details about a specific execution, click the View Details button on the desired row.
A popup with more execution details will open.
It is important to note that if the EnableLogs parameter is not enabled, only the last execution of the formula will be displayed because records of previous executions will not be retained. For more details on T6 Planning parameters, refer to the STD Parameters Setup Manual.
This chapter covers some important points that will help you achieve maximum performance when using formulas in T6 Planning.
For better formula performance, follow these instructions:
To identify bottlenecks in formula implementation, identify the form that is experiencing slowness when saving data and follow these steps:
Clear the formula log table with the following SQL:
Save data in the form that is experiencing slowness and check the total save time in seconds.
To know the formula save time in seconds, execute the following SQL:
SELECT SUM((DATEDIFF(MS, datExecutionStart, datExecutionEnd) / 1000)) as Duration FROM REP_LOGFORMULA
To know the total formula execution time in seconds, execute the following SQL:
To know the execution time of each formula in seconds, execute the following SQL:
SELECT (DATEDIFF(MS, datExecutionStart, datExecutionEnd) / 1000) as Duration, dscFormulaName FROM REP_LOGFORMULA ORDER BY Duration DESC
Divide the value found in step five by the value found in step three and multiply the result by one hundred. This value represents the percentage of time used with formulas. If this percentage is very close to one hundred, check in the result of step five which formulas are contributing more to the performance issue.
Divide the result of step four by step five and multiply the result by one hundred. This value represents the percentage of SQL Server execution in relation to the total formula execution time. If this value is not close to one hundred, the application may be experiencing performance problems.
To help identify specific problems in cycles, we will describe some occurrences and how to solve them.
Incorrect calculation in a cycle with recursive formulas month by month
Incorrect calculation in a cycle with recursive formulas dependent
Incorrect calculation in a cycle with circular reference
To check if the slow saving of the form is associated with formulas:
Once identified which formulas are experiencing performance issues, check if there is a better way to perform the same calculation.
Check if there is any intersection interfering with the performance of the calculations. Intersections are occurrences where two formulas or expressions are calculating the same tuple, which cannot occur under any circumstances, as this generates recalculation, database overload, and performance degradation.
Whenever necessary, you can access the Formulas Sort screen - Intersections; check if there is any intersection created by mistake, such as a duplicate formula, and remove it.
This chapter covers the functions available in the application and their purposes.
To access the list of functions in the main menu of T6 Planning, go to Modeling -> Formulas.
The Formulas screen will be displayed. Click on the Add button at the bottom right of the screen.
The screen displaying the List of Functions for the application will be shown. You can navigate between the available functions and view their descriptions. After selecting the desired function, click the Ok button.
In this field, the Parameter Types used in T6 Planning functions will be presented.
A characteristic applicable to members of the dimension.
A set of elements to be calculated.
(2 + 3 + 4) = Numeric block
A column of a database table.
An expression that compares two values using the signs below and returns true or false.
= equal to
!= not equal to
greater than
= greater than or equal to
< less than
<= less than or equal to
Conditional to be tested. This parameter must be a comparison between two operands. Its syntax should be an operand followed by a comparator followed by an operand.
The operand must be:
A dimension is an organized hierarchy of categories or members. Dimensions represent elements of the company.
Example: Elements can be tangible, such as Employees, Products, or Accounts, or they can represent important views of business data, such as Business Processes, Time, and Scenario.
Groupings of different members belonging to the same dimension.
A member of the dimension is a single position or item in a dimension. The set formed by one member from each dimension represents a context in the fact table.
It is a set of members, one from each dimension.
Represents the hierarchical level among members of the same dimension. Being Parent (Level 1), Child (Level 2), Grandchild (Level 3), etc.
Mathematical concept for representing measurement, order, or quantity.
Integers consist of all natural positive, negative numbers, and zero.
Example: Z = {...,−1, −2, −3,−4 ...} or
Positive integers consist of natural positive numbers, including zero.
Example: Z+ =
Database Table.
Integers or decimals.
In this section, the functions available in T6 Planning, their description, syntax, and parameters will be listed.
Mathematical function that results in the absolute value (or modulus) of a number. This value is the number without its sign.
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Item | Base value to be adjusted | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | 1 |
Formula | Description | Result |
=ABS(2) | Absolute value of 2 | 2 |
=ABS(-2) | Absolute value of -2 | 2 |
Adjusts a value.
Adjust(Item, Percentage, Attribute)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Item | Base value to be adjusted | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Percentage | Adjustment to be applied | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Attribute | Dimension attribute | Dimension, Attribute, Value | No | Yes |
Returns values between two dates.
Between(Value, Start Date, End Date)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Value | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Start Date | Start date | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
End Date | End date | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Example: To return the salary between the hiring date and the termination date.
Creates a Cartesian product.
Cartesian(Item, Dimension)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Item | Item to create the Cartesian product | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Dimension | Dimension | Dimension | Yes | Yes |
The Ceiling function returns an integer value representing the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the value.
Ceiling(Number, Precision)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Number | Number to be rounded | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Precision | Precision value | Integer | No | No |
Compoundly adds a percentage to a number in each period.
CGrow(Start, Grow, % Growth Rate)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Start | Initial value to be added to the result | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Grow | Incremental value | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
% Growth Rate | Percentage to grow | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Example: 1000 growing 10% per month results in 1100, 1210, 1331, and so on.
Calculates the final balance from the initial balance plus incoming and outgoing movements.
Closing(Opening, In, Out)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Opening | Initial balance | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | Yes |
In | Incoming movements | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | Yes |
Out | Outgoing movements | Member, Scoped Member | No | Yes |
Calculates the final balance from the initial balance plus incoming and outgoing movements, considering a rate.
ClosingVariance(Opening, Opening In %, Divider Output, In, Out)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Opening | Initial balance | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Opening In % | Percentage of incoming balance | Member, Scoped Member, Number | Yes | No |
Opening Out % | Percentage of outgoing balance | Member, Scoped Member, Number | Yes | No |
Divider Output | Output divisor | Member, Scoped Member, Number | Yes | No |
In | Incoming movements | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | Yes |
Out | Outgoing movements | Member, Scoped Member | No | Yes |
Used when we need to accumulate a value but need to apply an operation to this value (addition or multiplication), not simply accumulate; For performance reasons, we will use CumAdjust.
A table is created at runtime when executed, some necessary values are inserted, and then it is run in a CTE (Common Table Expression) with no recursion limit, to retrieve the value and execute.
[Function Result] = CumAdjust([Increment], [Multiplier], [Increment After Multiplier], [Restart])
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Increment | Increment in value | member, scoped member | Yes | No |
Multiplier % | Multiplier applied to the accumulated value | member, scoped member, number | No | No |
Increment After Multiplier | Increment in value after multiplication | member, scoped member, number | No | No |
Restart | Restarts the accumulated value | member, scoped member | No | No |
Possible Results (Expressions):
[Function Result With Increment] = CumAdjust([Increment])
[Function Result With Increment and Multiplier] = CumAdjust([Increment], [Multiplier])
[Function Result With Increment and Multiplier and Increment After Multiplier] = CumAdjust([Increment], [Multiplier], [IncrementAfterMultiplier %])
[Function Result] = CumAdjust([Increment], [Multiplier %], [IncrementAfterMultiplier], [Restart])
Result with Increment
Data | Description | |
100 | Base Value (Accumulated Value) | |
100 | Increment | |
Formula | Description | Result |
[Accumulated] = CumAdjust([Increment]) | Receives the base value and adds the increment | 200 |
Result with Increment and Multiplier
Data | Description | |
100 | Base Value (Accumulated Value) | |
100 | Increment | |
10 % | Multiplier % | |
Formula | Description | Result |
[Accumulated] = CumAdjust([Increment], [Multiplier]) | Receives the base value, adds the increment and applies the multiplication |
220 |
Result with Increment After Multiplication
Data | Description | |
100 | Base Value (Accumulated Value) | |
100 | Increment | |
10 % | Multiplier % | |
100 | Increment after multiplication | |
Formula | Description | Result |
[Accumulated] = CumAdjust([Increment], [Multiplier], [IncrementAfterMultiplier %]) | Receives the base value, adds the increment, applies the multiplication, and adds the increment after multiplication. |
320 |
Result with Increment After Multiplication and Restart
Data | Description | |
100 | Base Value (Accumulated Value) | |
100 | Increment | |
10 % | Multiplier % | |
100 | Increment after multiplication | |
0 | Restart | |
Formula | Description | Result |
[Accumulated] = CumAdjust([Increment], [Multiplier %], [IncrementAfterMultiplier], [Restart]) | Receives the base value, adds the increment, applies the multiplication, and adds the increment after multiplication. |
320 |
Next calculation - (The Restart value will replace the accumulated value making the next period start with the informed value) |
0 |
Example of Restart Application:
The CARestart value replaces the accumulated value in the current calculation, causing the next calculation to start with the accumulated value informed in CARestart.
Accumulates the base value up to the current period.
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value to be accumulated | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Calculates receipts or payments based on the percentages for each period.
Delay(Input, % Period)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Input | Invoices | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
% Period | Percentage of the period | Member, Scoped Member, Number | Yes | Yes |
Example: An invoice of 1000 will be paid 30% upfront, 30% in the next month, and 40% in the second month. The delay function will calculate the payment amounts for each month (300 in the same month as the invoice, 300 in the month following the invoice, and 400 in the third month from the invoice).
Calculates the linear depreciation of an asset based on its lifespan. The depreciable value is equal to the asset value divided by its lifespan.
Depr(Capitalization, Life)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Capitalization | Value of the asset to be depreciated | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Life | Lifespan of the asset | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Returns the value of the member without the value of the given member.
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Member | Member used to fetch the descendants | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Finds the difference of the current member with the first value of the member in the hierarchy, considering vertical and horizontal displacement.
DiffFirstValue(Item, Parent, Lag, Dimension)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Item | Item you want to find the first value for | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Parent | Vertical displacement | Positive Integer | Yes | No |
Lag | Horizontal displacement | Integer | Yes | No |
Dimension | Dimension you want to find the first value for | Dimension, Hierarchy | No | No |
Finds the difference of the current member with the last value of the member in the hierarchy, considering vertical and horizontal displacement.
DiffLastValue(Item, Parent, Lag, Dimension)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Item | Item you want to find the last value for | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Parent | Vertical displacement | Positive Integer | Yes | No |
Lag | Horizontal displacement | Integer | Yes | No |
Dimension | Dimension you want to find the last value for | Dimension and Hierarchy | No | No |
Example: Formula: (Base, period n) - (Base, period n -1)
Calculates the percentage difference between the current period and the previous period.
DiffPercent(Value, Step)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value to calculate the difference | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Step | Step to calculate the difference | Member, Scoped Member, Integer | No | No |
Calculates the proportional difference between the current period and the previous period.
DiffProportion(Value, Step)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value to calculate the difference | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Step | Step to calculate the difference | Member, Scoped Member, Integer | No | No |
Calculates the value difference between the current period and the previous period.
DiffValue(Value, Step)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value to calculate the difference | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Step | Step to calculate the difference | Member, Scoped Member, Integer | No | No |
Expands the item to a specified level.
Expand(Item, Level Start, Level End)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Item | Item to be expanded | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Level Start | Starting level of the dimension | Dimension and Level | Yes | Yes |
Level End | Final level of the dimension | Dimension and Level | Yes | Yes |
Filters the item by the values of the dimension attribute.
Filter(Item, Attribute)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Item | Item to be expanded | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Attribute | Dimension attribute values for filtering | Dimension and Level | Yes | Yes |
Fetches the first hierarchy value, considering vertical and horizontal displacement.
FirstValue(Item, Parent, Lag, Dimension)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Item | Item you want to find the first value for | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Parent | Vertical displacement | Positive Integer | Yes | No |
Lag | Horizontal displacement | Integer | Yes | No |
Dimension | Dimension you want to find the first value for | Dimension and Hierarchy | No | Yes |
The floor function returns an integer value representing the largest integer that is less than or equal to the given value.
Floor(Number, Precision)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Number | Number to be rounded | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Precision | Precision value | Integer | No | No |
Groups the item by dimension levels.
Group(Item, Level)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Item | Item to be grouped | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Level | Dimension level | Dimension and Level | Yes | Yes |
Returns 1 where it has a value.
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Value to be checked | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Checks if a condition is satisfied, returning one value if true or another value if false.
IIF(Conditional, True, False)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Conditional | Condition to be tested | Comparator | Yes | No |
True | Value if the condition is true | Member, Scoped Member, Number, Conditional | Yes | No |
False | Value if the condition is false | Member, Scoped Member, Number, Conditional | No | No |
Comments: Not all possible combinations of operands and comparators are valid. Below is the list of valid combinations:
* Valid only if the True (and False if exists) parameters are members.
** Valid only if the property type is compatible with a number.
*** Valid only if the property type is compatible with text.
Returns the interest payment for a specific period of an investment based on periodic, constant payments, and a constant interest rate.
IPMT(Rate, Per, NPer, PV, FV, Type)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Rate | Interest rate | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Per | The period for which to find the interest | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
NPer | Number of payments | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
PV | Present value or principal value | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
FV | Future value | Member, Scoped Member | No | No |
Type | Number 0 or 1 indicating when the payment is due. 0 indicates at the end of the period and 1 at the beginning of the period | Integer | No | No |
The Lag function calculates payments or receipts by delaying or advancing a number of periods.
Lag(Input, Periods, Padding, Dimension)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Input | Value to be delayed or advanced | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Periods | Number of periods | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Padding | Value to add | Member, Scoped Member | No | No |
Dimension | Dimension to be delayed or advanced | Dimension, Hierarchy | No | No |
Example: If we have a value of 1000 in period 5, the Lag function with a Number of periods 3 will delay the value 1000 to period 8. If the Number of periods were -3, the value 1000 would be advanced to period 2.
Returns the last non-empty value.
LastNonEmpty(Item, Dimension)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Item | Block used to obtain the last non-empty value | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Dimension | Dimension | Dimension | No | No |
Fetches the last hierarchy value, considering vertical and horizontal displacement.
LastValue(Item, Parent, Lag, Dimension)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Item | Item you want to find the last value for | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Parent | Vertical displacement | Positive Integer | Yes | No |
Lag | Horizontal displacement | Integer | Yes | No |
Dimension | Dimension you want to find the last value for | Dimension and Hierarchy | No | No |
LGrow linearly adds a percentage to a number in each period.
LGrow(Start, Grow, Base, % Grow Rate)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Start | Initial value to be added to the result | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Grow | Added value | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Base | Base value to be multiplied by the percentage and added to the result | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
% Grow Rate | Percentage to grow | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Checks the value of an account with a list and returns a specific value for each item in the list.
List(Test Value, List Item, Value)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Test Value | Value to be tested | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
List Item | List item | List | Yes | No |
Value | Value to be used | Member, Scoped Member, Number | Yes | Yes |
Example: In an account with types of benefits, we can map a different value for each benefit.
Calculates the natural logarithm.
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Item | Item for which to calculate the natural logarithm | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Loads values from a table.
LoadData(Table, Column Value, Dimension, Dimension Column)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Table | Table used to load values | Table | Yes | No |
Column Value | Column where the value is located | Column | Yes | No |
Dimension | Dimension | Dimension | Yes | Yes |
Dimension Column | Dimension column | Column | Yes | Yes |
Calculates the logarithm.
Log(Item, Base)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Item | Item for which to calculate the logarithm | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Base | Base to be used in the logarithm | Number, Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Calculates the logarithm with base 10.
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Item | Item for which to calculate the logarithm with base 10 | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Looks up the value of a property for a block.
LookupProperty (Context, Property, Dimension)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Context | Context from which to retrieve the property value | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Property | Property for which to retrieve the value | Dimension, Attribute | Yes | No |
Dimension | Dimension to save the value | Dimension | Yes | No |
Maps data from a table.
Mapping(Table, Dimension, Source Column, Destination Column)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Table | Table to be mapped | Table | Yes | No |
Dimension | Dimension to be mapped | Dimension | Yes | Yes |
Source Column | Source Column | Column | Yes | Yes |
Destination Column | Destination Column | Column | Yes | Yes |
Calculates the moving average of the specified periods. The quantity parameter indicates how many periods will be used in the average, starting from the current period and going one period forward and one period backward.
MavgAbsCenter(Value, Quantity)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value to calculate the absolute average | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Quantity | Number of periods | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Calculates the moving average of the specified periods. The quantity parameter indicates how many periods will be used in the average, starting from the current period and going to previous periods.
MavgAbsLast(Value, Quantity)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value to calculate the absolute average | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Quantity | Number of periods | Positive Integer, Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Calculates the moving average of the specified periods. The quantity parameter indicates how many periods will be used in the average, starting from the current period and going forward.
MavgAbsNext(Value, Quantity)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value to calculate the absolute average | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Quantity | Number of periods | Positive Integer, Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Calculates the moving average of the specified periods. The quantity parameter indicates how many periods will be used in the average, starting from the current period and going one period forward and one period backward.
MavgCenter(Value, Quantity)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value to calculate the average | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Quantity | Number of periods | Positive Integer, Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Calculates the moving average of the specified periods. The quantity parameter indicates how many periods will be used in the average, starting from the current period and going to previous periods.
MavgLast(Value, Quantity)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value to calculate the average | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Quantity | Number of periods | Positive Integer, Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Calculates the moving average of the specified periods. The quantity parameter indicates how many periods will be used in the average, starting from the current period and going forward.
MavgNext(Value, Quantity)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value to calculate the average | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Quantity | Number of periods | Positive Integer, Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Identifies the maximum value among various members.
Max(Item, Name)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Item | Item for which to find the maximum value | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | Yes |
Name | Dimension to search for the maximum value | Dimension | No | Yes |
Identifies the minimum value among various members.
Min(Item, Name)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Item | Item for which to find the minimum value | Member, Scoped Member, Block | No | Yes |
Dimension | Dimension to search for the minimum value | Dimension | Yes | Yes |
Calculates the maximum value of the specified periods. The quantity parameter indicates how many periods will be used in the search for the maximum value, starting from the current period and going one period forward and one period backward.
MmaxCenter(Value, Quantity)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value to determine the maximum value | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Quantity | Number of periods | Member, Scoped Member, Positive Integer | Yes | No |
Calculates the maximum value of the specified periods. The quantity parameter indicates how many periods will be used in the search for the maximum value in the last periods.
MmaxLast(Value, Quantity)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value to determine the maximum value | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Quantity | Number of periods | Member, Scoped Member, Positive Integer | Yes | No |
Calculates the maximum value of the specified periods. The quantity parameter indicates how many periods will be used in the search for the maximum value in the next periods.
MmaxNext(Value, Quantity)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value to determine the maximum value | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Quantity | Number of periods | Member, Scoped Member, Positive Integer | Yes | No |
Calculates the minimum value of the specified periods. The quantity parameter indicates how many periods will be used in the search for the minimum value, starting from the current period and going one period forward and one period backward.
MminCenter(Value, Quantity)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value to determine the minimum value | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Quantity | Number of periods | Member, Scoped Member, Positive Integer | Yes | No |
Calculates the minimum value of the specified periods. The quantity parameter indicates how many periods will be used in the search for the minimum value in the last periods.
MminLast(Value, Quantity)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value to determine the minimum value | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Quantity | Number of periods | Member, Scoped Member, Positive Integer | Yes | No |
Calculates the minimum value of the specified periods. The quantity parameter indicates how many periods will be used in the search for the minimum value in the next periods.
MminNext(Value, Quantity)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value to determine the minimum value | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Quantity | Number of periods | Member, Scoped Member, Positive Integer | Yes | No |
Calculates the moving sum of the specified periods. The quantity parameter indicates how many periods will be used in the sum, starting from the current period and going one period forward and one period backward.
MsumCenter(Value, Quantity)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value to calculate the sum | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Quantity | Number of periods | Member, Scoped Member, Positive Integer | Yes | No |
Calculates the moving sum of the specified periods. The quantity parameter indicates how many periods will be used in the sum, starting from the current period and going to previous periods.
MsumLast(Value, Quantity)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value to calculate the sum | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Quantity | Number of periods | Member, Scoped Member, Positive Integer | Yes | No |
Calculates the moving sum of the specified periods. The quantity parameter indicates how many periods will be used in the sum, starting from the current period and going forward.
MSumNext(Value, Quantity)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value to calculate the sum | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Quantity | Number of periods | Member, Scoped Member, Positive Integer | Yes | No |
Calculates the net present value of the specified periods. The quantity parameter indicates how many periods will be used in the sum, starting from the current period and going forward.
NPV(Period, Rate, Value)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Period | Periods | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Rate | Discount rate | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Value | Series of future cash flows | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
The Opening function calculates the initial balance of the period based on the closing balance of the previous period.
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Closing | Closing balance | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Retrieves the value of a parent member in a specific dimension. The quantity identifies how many levels to go up in the hierarchy of the selected dimension.
Parent(Input, Dimension, Quantity)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Input | Value | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Dimension | Dimension to ascend in the hierarchy | Dimension and Hierarchy | Yes | No |
Quantity | Number of levels to ascend | Positive Integer | Yes | No |
Calculates the payment for a loan based on constant payments and a constant interest rate.
PMT(Rate, Nper, PV, FV, Type)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Rate | Interest rate | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
NPer | Number of payments | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
PV | Present value or principal amount | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
FV | Future value | Member, Scoped Member | No | No |
Type | Number 0 or 1 indicating when the payment is due. 0 indicates at the end of the period, and 1 at the beginning of the period | Integer | No | No |
Retrieves a property of a member.
Property(Property, Context)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Property | Property to retrieve the value | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Context | Context to retrieve the value of the property | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Used to determine remaining installments in loan amortization.
Remaining(Item, Interval, Grace Period, Dimension)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Item | Block containing the installment number | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Interval | Installment interval | Positive Integer | No | No |
Grace Period | Grace period | Positive Integer | No | No |
Dimension | Dimension | Dimension | No | No |
Rounds a number to a specified precision. When the precision is positive, the value is rounded to the number of decimal places of the precision; if the precision is negative, the value is rounded on the left side of the decimal point, according to the precision.
Round(Number, Precision)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Number | Number to be rounded | Member, Scoped Member, Block | Yes | No |
Precision | Precision value | Integer | Yes | No |
Example: Rounding the Number 748.47 with precision -2 results in 700.00.
Sums the base value from the first period to the final period.
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value to sum | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Calculates a different percentage for each tier. Taxes are a classic example of Tier calculations.
Tier(Value, % Above, Tier, % Tie)
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Value | Base value for calculation | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
% Above | Percentage applied to the value above the last tier | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |
Tier | Value tier | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | Yes |
% Tie | Percentage applied to the value tier | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | Yes |
The YTD function accumulates the base value over periods, starting from the beginning of each year or fiscal year.
Name | Description | Parameter Types | Required | Repetitions |
Base | Base value to be accumulated | Member, Scoped Member | Yes | No |