This feature allows you to open forms on specific pages within the system without needing to change the default settings for form opening. The goal is to provide flexibility, enabling the user to choose the page where the form will be displayed, while keeping the default pages as a base.
The main functionality consists of opening forms directly on pages defined by the user, while maintaining unchanged opening settings. This allows you to define different pages for accessing forms dynamically and in a customized manner.
To create and use this feature, we will need to enable certain user permissions.
In Manager permissions, the user will need the following permissions enabled:
The user will also need access to the DBMS, with the ability to perform insertions and updates to the database tables.
We will need to access our database manager and insert the following SQL commands:
Insert Command:
INSERT INTO REP_CMS_CONTENT (dscName, dscContent, dscContentType, datLastModified) VALUES ('UpdatePages', '', NULL, GETDATE())
Update Command:
<span d-on-click="UpdateItemField({{systemPagesValues.Page0Name}},scenario);UpdateItemField({{systemPagesValues.Page0Value}},[Scenario].[Scenario].[&1]);">Realized</span>
<span d-on-click="UpdateItemField({{systemPagesValues.Page1Name}},entity);UpdateItemField({{systemPagesValues.Page1Value}},[Entity].[Entity].[&2]);">Brazil</span>
', datLastModified = GETDATE() WHERE dscName = 'UpdatePages'
the parameter scenario
holds the name of the dimension to be opened on pages;UpdateItemField({{systemPagesValues.Page1Value}},[Entity].[Entity].[&2]);
are, respectively, the dimension and the hierarchy;[&1]
represents the identifier in the dimension member's property;Realized
is the name that will be displayed inside the content box on the T6 dashboard.To ensure correct operation, the identifier parameter must always be different from the identifier of the member set as the default page for form opening.
In our example, we created only 2 options, but you can create as many as needed. The commands remain the same; you only need to modify the fields:
, changing the digit "0" to the next digit. For instance, besidesPage1Name
, if a third option is needed, you could add another<span>
, changing only these fields, such as:
<span d-on-click="UpdateItemField({{systemPagesValues.Page2Name}},time);UpdateItemField({{systemPagesValues.Page2Value}},[Time].[Time].[&8]);">January</span>
To check a dimension member's identifier, navigate to the main menu in T6 and select Modeling, then go to Designer:
For proper operation, you must click on the items displayed in the content box in the order they are listed, from the first to the last.
For example:
The second item displayed depends on the first for its functionality; however, the first item does not depend on the second to function.
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